Bridging microbiology and pharmacology:
understanding Monte- Carlo simulations, Probability of Target Attainment, PK/PD breakpoints, and associated antibiotic dosages with Pmetrics.
July 6-7, 2023, Lyon, France

Flyer PDF

To register, please fill in the registration form and send it by mail to or

Target Audience

Up to 30 physicians, pharmacists, clinical microbiologists, biomedical scientists or trainees with an interest in microbiology and pharmacology.

Workshop objectives

Understanding the role of PK/PD in setting MIC breakpoints and associated antibiotic dosages

Code a published population PK model into Pmetrics R package

Run Monte-Carlo simulations with Pmetrics and analyze results for various dosage regimens

Perform probability of target attainment (PTA) analysis with Pmetrics

Identifying PK/PD breakpoints and associated standard and high dosages

Assessing drug-related and patient-related factors influencing PTA and antibiotic dosages

Course venue

School of Medicine and Pharmacy, University Lyon 1, Rockefeller campus, 8 avenue Rockefeller, 69373 Lyon cedex 08, France

Registration (includes workshop sessions, course material, lunches, coffee/tea breaks)

Regular= 500€

Student= 350€ (limited spots, join a copy of your 2022-2023 academic ID)

Online= 300€ (limited spots, not recommended if you have no experience with Pmetrics)


Payment must be made by bank transfer to association AP2POP, indicating “Workshop Lyon” and the participant’s name

IBAN: FR76 1450 6000 2272 8319 7386 383 ; BIC: AGRIFRPP845

Cancellation policy

There will be no refund of fees if registration is canceled 30 days or less before the course begins. Substitution of another person from the same organization is acceptable.

4th European Course on Pharmacokinetics
and Pharmacodynamics of Protein Therapeutics
- Principles and Pharmacometric Approaches
November 20-22, 2019, Lyon, France

Plaquette de la formation en PDF

This 3-day course will introduce participants to basic principles in the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of novel therapeutic proteins and provide opportunities for basic hands-on exercises in the PK/PD evaluation of these compounds. Topics include target-mediated drug disposition, tissue and tumor penetration, first-in-human dose selection, immunogenicity, clinical pharmacology challenges, biosimilars, and drug-drug interactions.

3rd European Course on Pharmacokinetics
and Pharmacodynamics of Protein Therapeutics
- Principles and Pharmacometric Approaches
November 28-30, 2018, Lyon, France

Plaquette de la formation en PDF

A 3-day course will introduce participants to basic principles in the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of novel therapeutic proteins and provide opportunities for basic hands-on exercises in the PK/PD evaluation of these compounds. Topics include target-mediated drug disposition, tissue and tumor penetration, first-in-human dose selection, immunogenicity, clinical pharmacology challenges, biosimilars, and drug-drug interactions. Hands on exercises and simulations will be performed individually and in small groups using simple software tools (no prior experience required)

2nd European Course on Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Protein Therapeutics - Principles and Pharmacometric Approaches
August 29-31, Darmstadt, Germany, 2017

Lyon, France, 20 janvier 2017

Plaquette de la formation en PDF

Connaître les mécanismes des interactions médicamenteuses métaboliques. Savoir prédire leur impact et leurs facteurs de variabilité avec DDI-predictor. Savoir calculer une adaptation posologique. Connaître les limites et les contraintes de cette technique.

1st European Course on Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Protein Therapeutics - Principles and Pharmacometric Approaches
Lausanne, Switzerland, March 21-23, 2016

Workshop IAM - Gérer les interactions médicamenteuses d’origine métabolique avec le site web DDI-predictor
Lyon, France, 8 septembre 2015

Workshop Modélisation - De la modélisation par approche de population à l'adaptation bayésienne des posologies
Lyon, France, 9 septembre 2014